Fighting Fish - Betta splendens
The Siamese Fighting Fish are an amazing little pet and when cared for properly you will be surprised how intelligent and interactive this little fish are. They provide a great addition to any home with a huge range of colour just waiting to be added into your life.
- Aquarium Tank: Must be big enough to hold the fish you intend to keep and while fighting fish can live in small volumes of water due to their labyrinth organ your fish will be happier the more room you can give it. For this reason we strongly recommend fighting fish be provide with a 15L aquarium heater and filter. It is also a lot easier to meet the stimulation and philological needs of your new pet with this volume of water available. As with any aquarium we always recommend you set your tank up for 7 – 14days before adding your fish. We do this to condition the tank and start growing the healthy bacteria required in your tank.
- Gravel: Gravel should be 4-5cm deep throughout the tank. Ensure the gravel size is suitable for the fish you intend to keep and that the gravel is washed thoroughly before adding to the tank. Gravel Cleaners are useful to help maintain the tank once established.
- Filters: While it is true fighting fish don’t need a filter and the can live in muddy water, it is important to note that muddy brown water doesn’t mean dirty. Most of the things that actually make our fish sick we cannot see and need to be tested for. Providing your fish a filter helps keep your tank healthier. It is also important to not use a filter to powerful as these fish struggle to swim against strong current.
- Good Bacteria: This comes in the form of products such as “Stress Zyme or Stability”. These liquid additives contain bacteria which are activated when they hit water. This should be added at the start of your 7 – 14day conditioning period.
- Chlorine neutralizer or water conditioner: This is an absolute must. Chlorine in tap water will harm your fish unless removed first. Products such as “Prime or Stress Coat” help break down toxins in the water creating a safe environment.
- Fish Food: For Fighting fish a quality fighting fish pellet is recommended. Consider using frozen or freeze dried food such as blood worm once or twice a week for optimum fish health and variety.
- pH Testing Kit: Maintaining the correct acidity of the water is crucial to keeping your fish healthy. A senior pH testing kit with pH UP and pH down to adjust the pH is highly recommended. At Pets Unleashed we also can help you by testing your water for free. We check for pH, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate and some times more, all we need is 100ml of aquarium water.
- Aquarium Salts: These can help stabilize pH changes in the tank and help keep your fish healthy. They also replace lost minerals in tap water that would have been available in the wild.
- Fish Net: For safe catching and handling of fish.
- Plants / Ornaments: Fighting Fish have delicate tails and it is important to not put anything in the tank that has the chance of tearing or cutting the fish’s tail. Open wound can prove to be fatal giving infection a chance to set it. Large leaf plants of decoration can be used to prove a hiding place near to the surface where these fish like to hang out.
- Heating: Fighting fish like temperatures of 20-24 degrees. In winter you will need to ensure the water does not drop below 18 degrees centigrade. Small heaters can be purchased, even for very little tanks or bowls.
- Tank Mates: It is true fighting fish can go with other tank mates. It is important to keep in mind though what you mix them with. Never put in another fighting fish or any fish aggressive towards their delicate tails. These is also a chance they could eat smaller tank mates. Some normally safe options.
- Water Change is recommended every 2 weeks. This is to freshen up the tank and to replace trace elements that have been exhausted. Using a gravel cleaner remove 20% of your tanks water. Treat new water in a separate bucket for harmful chemicals. Top up tank slowly to prevent shocking your fish.
- Snails
- Khuli Loach
- Cory Cat Fish
- Glass Cat Fish
- Guppies – There are times you get a guppy or fighter that will be bully.
- Small Tetra e.g. neon tetra – (watch for aggression)
- Small Shrimp – Ghost or Cherry – Fighters will eat newly hatched shrimp.
Adding more fish will at time require a larger thank that previously recommended.